Reconciling Congregation

Welcome to Centenary United Methodist Church

A Reconciling Congregation and Bridge Church

Centenary United Methodist Church (CUMC) is a Reconciling Congregation and is officially designated as a Bridge Church. Bridge Churches are United Methodist faith communities which are confident they will remain United Methodist. For those whose churches are disaffiliating, this can be an unsettling time if they wish to remain United Methodist. Bridge Churches will provide pastoral support, nurture, and opportunities for connection during this time of grief and transition, always in response to each individual’s needs, timing, and sense of God’s call. These congregations bring no expectation of church membership; rather they offer support based on the needs of each person and community. Bridge Churches offer pastoral support by their laity and clergy.  We invite and welcome individuals and families who choose to remain United Methodist. You can read more about Bridge Churches here.

Please contact our pastor at if you'd like to know more.

What Reconciliation Means to Us 

Reconciliation, for us, is a commitment to honoring God's work in Jesus Christ, aimed at making both broken individuals and a broken world whole. Our mission revolves around assisting individuals in finding healing and wholeness, empowering them to live into their God-given potential. We strive to bridge gaps between people, fostering unity, and actively participating in God's work of healing in the world.

Our Inclusive Community 

At Centenary, we aspire to be a haven where everyone feels welcome. Regardless of age, race, national origin, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, educational or economic background, and physical or mental ability, all are embraced with open hearts and open minds. 

Stretching Our Love as God Loves Us

Being part of Centenary challenges us to love as God loves us all. We firmly believe in the sacred worth of every person created by God, and we extend God's love, as revealed in Jesus, to all without exception.

Join Us in Our Journey of Faith and Reconciliation

If you are seeking a church where acceptance knows no bounds, where faith grows, and where meaningful relationships are forged, Centenary is the place for you. We invite you to join us, explore your faith, build lasting connections, and actively engage in God's reconciling work in our city and beyond—making a difference that resonates with the call of love and unity. 

Come, be a part of Centenary, where all are truly welcome! 

Centenary United Methodist Church's

Statement Regarding Marriage and Weddings 

At Centenary UMC we believe that all persons are beloved children of God and entitled to full participation in all aspects of church life. Further we believe that marriage is a gift of God for all people regardless of age, religious affiliation, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. In preparing persons for marriage our pastors seek to equip them for a lifelong, loving, covenantal and flourishing relationship. We also believe that through that relationship they may learn to love God, themselves and one another in deeper and more meaningful ways thus moving toward John Wesley’s ideal of being perfected in love. 

Unfortunately, while we believe LGBTQ weddings are in agreement with the United Methodist understanding of marriage, due to the current Discipline of the United Methodist Church and stance of the leadership of the Virginia Annual Conference we are unable to conduct these weddings without exposing our pastors to legal persecution and loss of employment and/or credentials. We earnestly yearn, and will continue to advocate, for the day when the United Methodist Church will recognize all God’s children as equally valuable, and we will be able to bless our LGBTQ brothers and sisters with the opportunity to celebrate their marriages in our sanctuary. 

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